DealBook Briefing: Social Media Wrestles With Its Role in Terror October 29, 2018 Computers and the Internet NYT School Shootings and Armed Attacks IFTTT Social Media Terrorism +
Sandy Hook Parents Sue Alex Jones for Defamation April 17, 2018 Conn Newtown NYT School Shootings and Armed Attacks IFTTT Shooting (2012) Suits and Litigation (Civil) +
Alex Jones and Infowars Sued for Defamation After Misidentifying Parkland Gunman April 03, 2018 Fla NYT Parkland School Shootings and Armed Attacks IFTTT Shooting (2018) Suits and Litigation (Civil) +
Kroger Raises Age Limits on Gun Sales, Joining Walmart and Dick’s March 01, 2018 Firearms Gun Control NYT School Shootings and Armed Attacks IFTTT +
Ties to the N.R.A. Leave Companies Scrambling for Cover February 23, 2018 NYT School Shootings and Armed Attacks IFTTT Social Media +
Right-Wing Media Uses Parkland Shooting as Conspiracy Fodder February 20, 2018 News and News Media NYT School Shootings and Armed Attacks IFTTT +
Gun Makers Are Reeling Even as Threat of Regulation Recedes February 16, 2018 Conn Firearms Gun Control Newtown NYT School Shootings and Armed Attacks IFTTT Shooting (2012) +
Sandy Hook Families Criticize Megyn Kelly for Planned Alex Jones Interview June 12, 2017 Conn Newtown NYT School Shootings and Armed Attacks IFTTT Shooting (2012) +