Lean Times for Reinsurers Could Trigger a Wave of M.&A. September 17, 2018 Acquisitions and Divestitures IFTTT Disasters and Emergencies Hurricane Florence (2018) Insurance Mergers NYT +
False Missile Warning in Hawaii Adds to Scrutiny of Emergency Alert System January 13, 2018 Cellular Telephones IFTTT Disasters and Emergencies NYT Wireless Communications +
Keeping People Safe in New York City Emergencies January 04, 2018 Computers and the Internet IFTTT Disasters and Emergencies NYT +
Want to Help? Do Your Research Before You Donate November 06, 2017 Disasters and Emergencies Hurricane Harvey (2017) IFTTT Hurricane Maria (2017) NYT Philanthropy +
Who’d Create a P.R. Crisis on Purpose? Well, Only the Sweat Was Real September 17, 2017 Disasters and Emergencies News and News Media IFTTT Newspapers NYT +
We Lived Through a Flood. Now We Have a Very Long To-Do List. September 08, 2017 Disasters and Emergencies Hurricane Harvey (2017) NYT vis-dispatch IFTTT +
BP Gas Leak Is Under Control in Alaska Oil Field April 17, 2017 Disasters and Emergencies Greenhouse Gas Emissions NYT Oil (Petroleum) and Gasoline Oil Spills IFTTT +