
StarKist Pleads Guilty to Price Fixing and Faces $100 Million Fine

China Imposes Record Fine on Vaccine Maker Over Safety Scandal

Audi, Admitting to Role in Diesel-Cheating Scheme, Agrees to Pay Major Fine

S.E.C. Goes After Musk With its ‘Ultimate’ Penalty. Here’s Who Else Has Been Banned.

Trump, in Latest Swipe at E.U., Assails $5.1 Billion Fine Against Google

A Brief History of the Impact of E.U. Antitrust Fines on Tech Stocks

Trump Says He Got Rid of Obamacare. The I.R.S. Doesn’t Agree.

Wells Fargo Pays $1 Billion to Federal Regulators

Barclays Chief Executive Staley Fined Over Whistle-Blower Scandal

U.S. Bank Cited by Federal Authorities for Lapses in Money Laundering

Qualcomm Is Fined $1.2 Billion by E.U. Antitrust Officials

Trump Administration Eases Nursing Home Fines in Victory for Industry

I.R.S. Starts to Enforce Health Law’s Rule That Employers Offer Insurance

Airbus Says It Misled State Department on Arms Sales

Firm Behind ‘Fearless Girl’ Statue Underpaid Women, U.S. Says

Deutsche Börse to Pay $12.5 Million in Fines in Insider Trading Inquiry

U.S. Reopens Harley Settlement, Cutting Funds for Pollution Reduction Plan

Yellow-Light Crusader Fined for Doing Math Without a License